Hello! My name is

Santiago Suarez Ordoñez




I co-founded Momentum to rethink the way enterprise sales is done. Momentum helps teams close deals together in Slack. In a world where selling enterprise software requires multiple handoffs and conversations between sales and engineering, finance, and customer success, Momentum helps reps drive their sales process via Slack and leverage the right people at the right time to move deals over the goal line.



I was brought on as CTO to lead the engineering organization through a new phase of growth and grow engineering from 40 to 100 people. I'm focused on defining core engineering principles, roles and responsibilities, while choosing tools and processes that meet the team's culture and needs as we scale.


Co-Founder, CTO

As CTO and Co-Founder, I owned the company's team and product efforts. I architected and wrote the core of the Blameless SRE Platform, which today powers the incident management and reliability practices of much of our industry. Through principles and key hires, I formed the company's founding engineering team and led the engineering organization.


Principal Engineer, Core Platform as a Service Team

I was lucky enough to be at Mulesoft during the company's IPO, which taught me a lot about high growth transformation. Through my role as technical leader in the Core PaaS team, I helped define the vision for the company's centralized infrastructure efforts and hybrid cloud initiative.

Sauce Labs

Employee #1, Director of Engineering, Core Services

During my 7 years at the company, I held many key roles. As we scaled, I formed and led the Core Services team, which oversaw Sauce's extensive cloud infratructure for our customers. I learned extensively about distributed systems, DevOps, high availability and reliability. Being responsible for such a key and technical team was challenging for my leadership skills and incredibly rewarding.

The Selenium Project

open sourcepublic speakingengineering
Core Contributor

I started contributing to Selenium back in 2004! I was lucky enough to become an important member of the community, to travel and speak at conferences, and participate in what the project and community have become today.


LeadershipEngineeringProduct Market FitStartupsArchitectureDistributed SystemsPythonAWSOpen SourceInfrastructureDevOpsCI/CDTest AutomationKubernetesJavascriptNodejsHTML5CSSMongoDB

My Personal Values

I am my word. Follow a moral code. Respect above all. Lead by example

Be yourself. Say what needs to be said. Have the hard conversations with emotional intelligence.

Work hard, play hard. Enjoy the struggle. Suffer a little every day.

Smile. Be grateful. Be contagious. Do what you love. Life is short.

Get it done, then do it again. Ask for forgiveness, not permission. Always be a leader.

Seek real connections with real people. Stay accountable. Seek inspiration. Grow from others and help others grow.